Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I had to look up the word "blog." Apparently it's a contraction of the word "weblog" which makes sense I suppose.

So my "blog" is not going to be a diary as are most rather simply a collection of thoughts as they run through my mind early in the morning whilst the majority of people, in this time zone anyway, are still asleep.

I wake up early. I mean early. Usually about five I guess. I didn't use to. I think it's the result of living on my boat for a couple of years. A time when the slightest noise that was different, a slight windshift, sometimes just a sense that everything wasn't quite right would bring instant wakefulness. It's either that or Sam bugging me to join the land of the living with her wet and cold nose jammed in my ear.

It's an interesting time of day once you get used to it. Other than at the height of summer it's dark and still. The first coffee is great and Sam usually goes back to sleep. It's quiet. A quiet that lets your mind wander in all directions. Perhaps when you're young your mind wanders into the future but at my age the mind tends to wander into the past. All the things you don't know. Perhaps in some cases better you don't.

"A Road to Now" is not only the title of my blog but the title of a book I'm in the process of writing !

It's not for general publication. Quite frankly who would be interested. More it's the result of both what I don't know and what I had to go to a lot of trouble to find out. Facts about my family and my own personal history.

It's for my own family. My kids and grandkids. Perhaps even my great grandkids if I should live that long.

My blog will contain excerpts as one thought leads to another. Not the final proof just the thoughts as they mill around sometimes running into the cul de sac of memory. An issue many of us have and few choose to do anything about! (A thought for you.)

Time for my second cup. It's light. Another day. Unique in it's own way.

1 comment:

  1. You write beautifully Peter.
    I look forward to reading more thoughts as they come to you.

